July 27, 2024
Vunoklang, Hayin Gada, Off Mubi Road, jimeta - Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria

Adamawa State Government Condemns attacks on Gov’t property.


Babangida Galleon

Adamawa State Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri has condemned the destruction and looting of Government warehouse in the state capital by hoodlums.

The hoodlums in their numbers stormed the warehouse of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) despite security presence, vandalized and looted both food and non- food items.

The attack which was unleashed under guise of economic hardship occasioned by the removal of fuel subsidy has taken toll on the Government facility leaving properties worth millions destroyed.

Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri who was represented by his Deputy, Prof. Kaletapwa Farauta alongside, Security Chiefs, the SSG, CoS and other Government officials while touring the affected areas, condemned the act and cautioned youths to channel their energies in positive activities instead.

“The General situation of what we’ve seen onground is a condemnable act it is not right, this state belong to all of us we should be making progress instead of retrogressive in our activities daily”.

He revealed that the recent Government pronouncement on palliative measures to cushion the effect of subsidy removal is underway, assuring that as soon as the palliative arrived, everybody will get his own share accordingly.

“Some days ago the Government made an announcement concerning the palliative that we are expecting and as we speak today the ones for Adamawa has not yet arrived.

“We want to plead with the citizens to trust this Government that once the palliative arrived it will be giving out accordingly”.

He maintained that Government is working closely with security agencies in the state to forestall any reoccurrence, calling on the masses to comply with security measures put in place in order to maintain law and order.

He revealed that the 24 hours curfew earlier imposed by the Government would be reviewed hourly as security situation improves.

According to the Governor, Government is not unmindful of the hardship people are going through especially as a result of Government policy on fuel subsidy, assuring that as situation improved the curfew will be relaxed to allow people to continue their daily activities.

Also, the Adamawa State Commissioner of Police CP. Tola Afolabi, revealed that so far about 80 suspects were apprehended in connection to the act while no case of casualty was recorded, contrary to reports emanating from public domain.

He admitted to have received prior information on the attack hence collaborated with other security agencies and have their men stationed in the warehouse but couldn’t stopped the hoodlums who forcefully infiltrate the building through the fence.

He said that the holdlums act on rumors that palliative are kept in the warehouse and Government is refusing to give it out ,which was not true.

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