July 27, 2024
Vunoklang, Hayin Gada, Off Mubi Road, jimeta - Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria

National Population Commission promises credible census exercise.


Akanta Hannah


The National Population Commission, NPC has reiterated its commitment towards conducting an accurate, credible, and acceptable census in the country.


Federal commissioner of the Commission in Taraba State, Sanny Sule Sale, stated this during an interactive session with the media and other stakeholders in Jalingo, the Taraba state capital.


Delivering his speech, the federal commissioner Sanny Sule Sale noted that it is no longer news that the reason for postponing the 2023 census in May was due to the transition programme of the government and the post election activities which they figured out could hamper the seamless conduct of the process in the country.


According to him, inspite of the postponement, NPC is ever ready to conduct the exercise, stressing that the Commission has mobilzed its best in terms of technology and manpower to ensure a credible process and a reliable outcome for the Country after 17 years of the nation’s last census.


“We have embraced technology hundred per cent, and we are going to deliver the first digital census in the country. There will be a massive deployment of technology all through the process to ensure an error free census exercise.”


He said the commission is aware that the news of the suspension of the exercise has made many people believe the census will not hold again and reassured that they are using every medium to inform the public that the census will still hold when the current administration fixes an appropriate date for the exercise.


The federal commissioner said moving forward, NPC has resolved to use this period to organise a Refresher Training for all its adhoc staff, sharpen its tools and visit all the 16 Local Governments areas of Taraba State in a bid to resensitise the people and rebuild their confidence in the ability of the commission to deliver a transparent census exercise.


Sale who identified the role of the media as indispensable in sensitising the public thanked them and other stakeholders for the good working relationship they have enjoyed calling on them not to relent in supporting the commission.

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