July 27, 2024
Vunoklang, Hayin Gada, Off Mubi Road, jimeta - Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria

Adamawa State gov’t reassures sustainability of palliative buses in the state.


Babangida Galleon


Adamawa state government has reassured its commitment towards ensuring the sustainability of the operations of the palliative buses in the state.


The chief of staff to the governor, Doctor Edgar Amos gave the assurance when he spoke to newsmen inside one of the buses he entered from Jippu-Jam roundabout to the state secretariat in the state capital, Yola.


The chief of staff, Doctor Edgar Amos said despite the many ways of ensuring the sustainability of the operations of the buses, the state government will continue to inject more funds.


“ there are mechanisms for ensuring that what is generated maintains the vehicle but whatever happens, government will inject more funds to it to ensure that they continues to run”


Doctor Edgar Amos appreciated Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri’s efforts in purchasing the buses which he said will go a long way in reducing transportation cost for the people of the state.


While assuring that the state government will procure more buses for the operations to be more effective, the chief of staff said, there are plans for the buses to extend operations to other local government areas of the state so that other residents of the state will also benefit from the palliative services offered by the buses.


“yes we have plans that they will be deployed across the local governments, it is not just within the state capital”.


The commissioner of transport, Musa Kallamu who was also part of the ride testified that the people of Adamawa state are indeed delighted with the commencement of the operation of the buses, adding that the Fintiri led administration is committed to the service of the people for the development of the state.


A passenger, Sulaiman Mohammed said he is indeed happy that the buses have commenced operations and prayed for the sustainability of their services even after the end of this administration.


The palliative buses procured by the state government were part of its efforts to reduce the high cost of transportation experienced by the people of the state and the buses had already commenced operations in the state capital and its immediate surrounding communities.




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